About Us

Welcome to Reflicker!

We're a brother-sister duo, Aman & Arsh, with a shared passion for candles and a commitment to sustainability. Our journey began in our family home, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of flickering candlelight. As we grew, so did our fascination with the art of candle-making and a deep-seated desire to contribute to a more sustainable world.

Our Mission

At Reflicker, our mission is simple yet profound: to bring sustainable candle-making into every home. We believe that the joy of a beautifully scented room should not come at the expense of our planet. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to crafting high-quality candle wax, sold in eco-friendly pouches, allowing you to melt and pour your own candles at home, reusing old jars and containers.

Our Product

Our candle wax is more than just a product; it's a statement. Each pouch is carefully filled with natural, eco-friendly wax, infused with captivating fragrances that transform any space. We've meticulously sourced ingredients that are kind to the environment, ensuring that every candle you make not only lights up your room but also lights up a path towards a more sustainable future.

Our Belief

As a brother and sister team, we bring a unique blend of creativity, care, and dedication to Reflicker. We believe in the power of small actions to create significant change. Our candles are not just about ambiance; they're about a commitment to a better world, one candle at a time.

Join Us in Our Journey

We invite you to be a part of our journey. With Reflicker, create more than just candles; create memories, create traditions.